Ironing boards seem to be getting bigger and bigger; is this a gimmick to persuade you to buy a new board or are bigger boards really better? It could be argued that the bigger boards are more awkward to handle and could potentially make life really difficult when getting them in and out of the cupboard. Also finding a place to store these huge items might prove problematic.
However, these issues can easily be overcome with a bit of organisation and the benefits do really outweigh these potential disadvantages. You won’t mind heaving a large board out of the cupboard when you realise that a larger ironing board really is better.
Larger ironing boards are much more solid structures and their increased stability brings a number of advantages, a better more professional finish and increased safety. The days of iron marks on the carpet will be over as the iron will be much less likely to wobble off and fall onto the floor. Also the ironing board itself will be much less likely to topple if it gets knocked accidentally. Another health and safety advantage is related to the height of the board. The larger boards are generally higher and have improved height adjustment. As a result, many people are finding that having a larger board can help their back as they no longer have to stoop over their ironing.
A larger ironing surface is clearly a huge advantage and can save you heaps of time, especially with those larger items like sheets and duvet covers. Larger ironing boards are more up to date so they also benefit from modern, safer design and other features which have been integrated over time. For example improvements in the non-slip feet and also improvements in the materials used to cover the surface. These improved materials will help you gain a much better finish to your ironing; they are also much less likely to burn and create issues when in contact with your iron.
If you are a seamstress or you do a lot of sewing then you will also find that a larger ironing board really is an asset. Ironing is an important part of sewing and all the features of a larger board could be a huge benefit. If you are making curtains or quilting, for example, the larger board would make short work of all that material. If you make curtains for a living then a large board would make a wise investment, saving you time and energy and increasing the efficiency of your business. The larger board would also give you a more stable surface for all those fiddly bits you find yourself doing when sewing.
Finally, a larger board provides a much bigger surface area to store all those piles of paper and washing, children’s toys and lunch boxes which seem to find their way onto your ironing board before you have a chance to put it away.